Author: lthompson

  • Billy Webb Challenge 2017

    Billy Webb Challenge 2017


    On behalf of the Billy Webb Challenge, Rowing NZ would like to extend an invitation to all New Zealand Clubs to this Rowing NZ endorsed event.

    More information can be found in the attachment or by visiting

    We look forward to seeing you all in Whanganui on the 25th of November

  • Tonks Small Boat Race

    Tonks Small Boat Race

    The Wanganui Rowing Association Tonks Small Boats Race will be held on Sunday 15 Oct.

    Please note the change in date, race has been delayed by one week.

    Sunday 15 October, 9AM  |  Distance: 6km  |  Host: Union

    Start: 2km Finish, Aramoho
    Turn: National Library Building
    Finish: 2km Finish, Aramoho

    Entry fee is $2 a seat and all racers and supporters are invited to Union Boat Club after the event for refreshments.  Please remember to bring a plate.

    Entries to Bob by Friday, Saturday 6pm.

  • Planning for the 2017-2018 Rowing Season

    The 2017, 2018 rowing season is fast approaching and we have prepared an outline plan for the season –

    this shows the regattas we plan on attending, dates of those and an approximate cost.

    In order to make the season worthwhile we really need to start training now! Other clubs are already out there doing it!


    Can we all meet at the boat shed, 5.00 pm on Wednesday 30th August to go over the plan – bring your training gear and finish with the first training session of the new season!



  • Perfect Strokes  |  Bingo Night

    Perfect Strokes | Bingo Night

    bingo_night3Get your tickets now for our UBC Fundraiser

    Saturday  |  19 August 2017

    Come along, enjoy this fun event and help us raise money for the new boat ramp and quad boat. Tickets are limited, order yours now!

    $10 per ticket
    includes entry, one round of Bingo and complementary drink on arrival.

    $2.00 per BINGO cards from then on, you can purchase as many tickets as you like per round.


    MC for the Evening: Pat Carroll

    Semi Formal Dress ~ Cash Bar Available

    For more details please contact:
    Dianne Weston 027 313 8507
    Carolyn Barry 021 145 3167

    Email for your tickets to Diane Weston

  • Winter Series Race 3 | Results

    Winter Series Race 3  |  Results

    Cold and rainy conditions couldn’t dampen the spirits of the many that braved Sunday morning’s race. There was another excellent turn out with 24 crews starting.

    Winners were:
    1st Ilona Davis, Mita Davis, Anna Te Rei, Ora Habib, Trevor Kauika, Bruce Butters – Composite Crew (Waka) – Tipi Haere

    2nd Jack Clifton, Liam Lace, Sopie Brooke, Nanea Schurhammer (Mixed U16) – Composite Crew (Kayak) – Whanganui Multisport Club

    3rd E. Dudley, Z. Brewer, M. Manville, N. Murphy & (cox) E. Hutchings – GU15 4X+ – AWRC

    See full results here

  • Donation Request

    Your club needs your help…

    Dear Members and Supporters,

    Your Club needs your assistance to raise funds to complete two very necessary projects:

    1. Reinstatement of the flood damaged ramp. The June 2015 flood caused severe scouring around the lower end of the ramp that was constructed on fill retained by timber retaining walls. The concrete ramp eventually collapsed and was removed because it was dangerous. Whilst the District Council repaired the retaining wall that extends from the ramp downstream towards the riverboat wharf they did not feel obliged to repair the ramp that we use to launch our coaching boats.
    To minimise the likelihood of future flood damage we propose to replace the lower end of the ramp with a 6m long section of concrete slab supported on piles driven into the riverbed. This work requires specialist expertise and equipment and will cost approximately $21,000. Club members will provide labour and materials to construct the remaining 5m long section on fill behind the repaired timber wall.
    We have recently obtained a grant of $15,000 from Powerco Trust towards the cost of rebuilding the ramp but need a further $6,000 to pay the contractor. We would like to complete this work before the start of next season.

    2. Purchase of a new coxed four/quad for our school members. We have obtained a grant of $20,000 towards the cost of this boat which we have now ordered so that we can take advantage of a “special” price of $25,000 before the end of April. We urgently need to raise the additional $5,000 to complete the purchase.

    We are hoping that Club Members, former Members and Supporters will support us by making a donation. You can post a cheque or make a donation to the Union Boat Club bank account Westpac 03-0791-0397859-00, please write “Donation” in the Reference line. We will issue a receipt upon request and will acknowledge all donations in the UBC Newsletter.

    Thanking you in anticipation of your support,

    Patrick Carroll
    President- Union Boat Club

    A printable PDF is available to view here

  • UBC 2017 Prizegiving

    UBC 2017 Prizegiving

    UBC Dinner and Prizegiving

    Thank you to all those attended our Annual Club Dinner and Prize giving. It was great to see a full house supporting our rowers.

    Special mention to those who help organise the evening – Bob, Jennie, Carolyn & Dianne, Garfield who helped in the kitchen, those who roasted, cooked and baked. Our MC Pat Carroll and our special guest speaker.

    Congratulations to the following:

    Jubilee fours: Leah Thompson and Keri Browning – Most improved Master Females.

    Presidents Double: Pat Carroll – Most improved Master Male.

    Ron Crombie Cup: Ally Keenan – Most improved (CLUB or SCHOOL) female sculler.

    Bell Brougham Cup: Maggie O’Connor – Most improved (CLUB or SCHOOL) female rower.

    C W Poynter: Donny Thompson – Most improved (CLUB or SCHOOL) male rower.

    Parents Committee Trophy: Ben Young – Best Schools Novice

    S Hogan Cup: Siena Mclean – Best Novice of the year

    Alan Tonks Memorial Cup: Kurt Browning – Most promising Rower/Sculler

    Fergusson Cup: Kurt Browning and Xavier Mohr – Best crew (CLUB)

    C A Healey Cup: Bella Duncan – Best coxswain

    Ladies Challenge Cup: Philippa Baker-Hogan – Most points (CLUB) female.

    Leon Smithies Cup: Martin Bridger – Most points (CLUB) male.

    Gordon Thompson Trophy: Bob Evans – Best overall club member.

    Student’s Cup: Xavier Mohr – Best overall student on and off the water.

    Christine Crotty Memorial Cup: The Williams Family – Valued friend of the club.

    Memorial Bow: Jemal Weston – damaging the Ferg

    Up the Creek Blade: Grant Ryder – wrong crew – wrong race

    Congratulations again to all the well deserved winners for this year. Good luck for next year

    Check out photos of the evening here

  • Winter Series 2017  |  Race 2 Results

    Winter Series 2017 | Race 2 Results

    Winter Series Race 2 |  Results

    The WRA Winter series finally got underway yesterday, with 36 boats starting. It was great to see a number on novice rowers on the water for their first Winter Series

    Winners today were:
    1st Kyle Malone – Club M1X – Star Boat Club
    2nd Bob & Jennie Evans – Mxd Masters 2X -UBC
    3rd Pat Carroll – MDM1X – UBC

    See for results here

    Regards in rowing
    UBC Committee

  • Winter Training

    The UBC is going to provide a winter programme for those athletes that want to be fast at regattas in the 2017/18 season, particularly National Champs and Maadi.

    Initially we are going to have a gym session each Wednesday evening at 6.30pm and a water session at 8.30am on Sunday’s. The second Sunday of each month is the WRA Winter Series and we would like to see as many athletes as possible entering into those events as a part of that winter training, and as a way of marking progress.

    The programme will start this Sunday, 14 May with the first 5km winter series – so please contact Bob Evans about your entry.

    The first gym session will be Wednesday 17 May at 6.30pm.

    See you all then.

  • UBC Uniforms

    If  you have borrowed a UBC unisuit or singlet. These need to be return to the Boat Shed lockers ASAP!