Donation Request

Your club needs your help…

Dear Members and Supporters,

Your Club needs your assistance to raise funds to complete two very necessary projects:

1. Reinstatement of the flood damaged ramp. The June 2015 flood caused severe scouring around the lower end of the ramp that was constructed on fill retained by timber retaining walls. The concrete ramp eventually collapsed and was removed because it was dangerous. Whilst the District Council repaired the retaining wall that extends from the ramp downstream towards the riverboat wharf they did not feel obliged to repair the ramp that we use to launch our coaching boats.
To minimise the likelihood of future flood damage we propose to replace the lower end of the ramp with a 6m long section of concrete slab supported on piles driven into the riverbed. This work requires specialist expertise and equipment and will cost approximately $21,000. Club members will provide labour and materials to construct the remaining 5m long section on fill behind the repaired timber wall.
We have recently obtained a grant of $15,000 from Powerco Trust towards the cost of rebuilding the ramp but need a further $6,000 to pay the contractor. We would like to complete this work before the start of next season.

2. Purchase of a new coxed four/quad for our school members. We have obtained a grant of $20,000 towards the cost of this boat which we have now ordered so that we can take advantage of a “special” price of $25,000 before the end of April. We urgently need to raise the additional $5,000 to complete the purchase.

We are hoping that Club Members, former Members and Supporters will support us by making a donation. You can post a cheque or make a donation to the Union Boat Club bank account Westpac 03-0791-0397859-00, please write “Donation” in the Reference line. We will issue a receipt upon request and will acknowledge all donations in the UBC Newsletter.

Thanking you in anticipation of your support,

Patrick Carroll
President- Union Boat Club

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